Friday, September 11, 2009

Drabble #13: Love me like you are mine.

Love me like you are mine.

Map me with your fingertips. Taste me with your tongue. Take small bites, a big bite, followed by painful devouring. Take both my hands as if you want me to be safe and then pin me to the ground. Take all your body to cover mine, holding me too close. Take my heartbeats, matching your speed to the sound. It's quick and rough and sharp and it hurts.

 Take everything now. There's nothing to love. It's over and you are done. When you leave, nothing remains. I am no longer as I never was.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drabble #12: Have I ever told you how I feel?

“Have I ever told you how I feel?” she asked without subtlety.

“Not sure. Maybe. How do you feel?”

“Intensely,” she spoke as she felt. “It was a pleasure kissing you.”

“I wish I could be around long enough to fall in love with you,” he said seconds before he did. As he looked at her the moment became a memory. She was LA and he was leaving.

He left with a fragment of an ideal. As much as he would never forget, it would never be enough. Goodbye girl, goodbye love, goodbye LA. Hope to return sometime, someday, someway.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Drabble #11: He was just another guy who wanted to fuck her.

He was just another guy who wanted to fuck her. The list was long and being on it hardly made him special. It was never hard to say no. If she wanted to she would, she explained, but she didn’t.  It was that simple.

He pleaded, “Will you touch it?”


“Will you suck it?”


“Will you fuck it?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t want to.”

“Not even a little?”

“Not even.”

“You’re so meaningful.”

“Thank you,” she genuinely responded.

He meant nothing. He was just another guy who wanted to fuck her and that’s why he never would.